About us

Our certifications

Back in 2019, we set up MyrtleCo to meet the ever-growing global demand for Lemon Myrtle. Around that time, competitors were exclusively foreign-owned and based primarily in China and Malaysia. But we didn’t think that should get in our way.

We felt that if the world wanted Lemon Myrtle, they’d want the best they could get. This meant finding a way to grow and produce sufficient crops in its native home – the lush sub-tropical rainforests and fertile valleys of the Northern Rivers in New South Wales – Bundjalung nation.

With limited resources and boundless determination, we got to work. Driven by a passion to set up a commercial operation on home soil, we built a team from the ground up. We set up a processing facility in the Northern Rivers, and it’s fair to say we’ve never looked back.

Community is at the heart of everything we do. We wouldn’t have succeeded without a long list of locals willing to take a chance on joining us. Not to mention our global community of customers, who played a significant part in our research and development process.

Together we’ve created local jobs, empowered local growers, and built a strong community connected by a passion for sustainability and increasing biodiversity. Technology has also played a crucial part in our success, with modern manufacturing processes and innovations enabling us to deliver the highest quality native botanicals to the world.

We started off small, but we’ve become a powerful force in the industry. We’ve already won Outstanding Start Up in the 2021 Regional Business Awards. And we put that down to the can-do attitude of a wonderful community, who have given their all to deliver a product that can’t be matched.

We’re excited that our story is only just beginning. In 2020, we planted thousands of native botanical varieties and our very first batch of twenty-five thousand Lemon Myrtle trees. Another fifty thousand went in the ground in October 2021. And in less than two years, our flagship product, Organic Lemon Myrtle Leaf, has been recognised by buyers as “Australia’s finest” and can be found in a growing number of products throughout Australia, Europe, and the USA.

We’re pleased to say that what started out as a dream has become a reality that’s placed the production of the best organic Lemon Myrtle firmly in the Northern Rivers. Our next step is to expand our team of local growers and produce sufficient crops of organic Lemon Myrtle and other unique Australian botanicals – such as anise myrtle, cinnamon myrtle, strawberry gum, and finger limes – to meet international demand.

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